The use of the coat-of-arms dates back to antiquity. Blazons, as they were called in the Middle Ages, were used by armies, corporations, merchant guilds as signs of identification, and as symbols of origin, particular office or ideals. Today they are better known as badges and their use has spread among clubs, societies and school.

The Art of Heraldry is the the name given to the study of the history, the development and the significance of the coat-of-arms. And like all sciences it has its own terminology or technical terms. The objects represented on a shield are known as charges on a background called field. The commonest tinctures (colours) of these charges and field were: gules (red), sable (black), azure (blue), silver, gold. Now all these things were symbols. A symbol is something that stands for more than itself. It acts by suggestion, an oak a symbol or strength, solidity, a dove, and/or an olive branch stands for peace, a book is a symbol of learning. Finally, a legend, i.e., an inscription or Motto, in Latin, French or English was added above or below as an ideal to strive for.

The Cross that surmounts our CSK school badge is, as everyone knows, the symbols of the Christian Charity and Love that should permeate and motivate all our actions.

The Lamp is a symbol of the light of knowledge, and may represent study or the process of learning. Such a symbol is a very appropriate one for a school badge, for the main purpose of a school is to impart knowledge and encourage study.

The Chevrons -- three broken lines -- have been taken from the coat-of-arms of the Rheims branch of the La Salle family. You may have seen similar designs on the sleeves of military uniforms. They indicate rank and length of service. On that particular coat-of-arms they symbolised the long and faithful service which the members of the La Salle family, several of them at the cost of their lives, had rendered to both Church and State. A chevron is a symbol of firmness and constancy.

The symbolism of the Olive Branch (right) and the Oak Branch (left) enclosing the shield, have already been alluded to, i.e., peace and strength (of character), respectively. However, the artist who designed our badge has not differentiated between the Olive Branch and the Oak -- this possibly for reasons of simplicity.

The Legend below, carries the Motto: Laus Deo Semper which means Praise be to God always.

Address: Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College, 4 Sheung Wo Street Homantin Kowloon
Tel: 2711 8175
Fax: 2762 1550
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