School Song

It was composed by the music teacher. Dr Li Chau-yuan, in 1976. The lyric was set by the Principal, Brother Eugene.
Old School Song

It is an Irish cheering song originally. We still sing this song in the Inter-school Athletics Meet every year.
School Badge

The Lamp, a symbol of the light of knowledge
The Cross, a symbol of the Chritian Charity and Love that should permeate and motivate all our actions
The Oak Branch, has been alluded to Peace
The Chevrons, they indicate rank and length of service, symbolised the long and faithfull service which the members of the La Salle family had rendered to both Church and State
The Legen, which means "Praise be to God always"
Our badge today has not differentiated between the Olive Branch and the Oak Branch, this possibly for reasons of simplicity
School Magazine

The first volume of our school magazine was published in 1970 with Bro Eugene as the adviser of the English Section. The magazine consisted of about one hundred pages and the cover was designed by a F6B student called Lai Pui-lun. The chevrons symbolize the long and faithful service rendered by members of the Lasallian Family to the Church and the State while the lamps serve as a symbol of the light of knowledge.
School Newspaper

Our school newspaper is named 'Leowlish' and was first published in the early 70's by a group of Form 4 and Form 6 students with the guidance and help from Teacher Advisers. Bro Eugene approved the use of the name 'Leowlish' which means 'as brave as a lion.' The newspaper was published twice per annum and sold at a low price to students
The First Staff Photo

Year 1969-1970
The First Batch of Form VII graduates and their teachers

Year 1969-1970
School Tie

All Students must wear a school tie.
Three Chevrons are sewn with golden threads on it. The Chevrons symbolize the long and faithful service which the members of the La Salle family had rendered to the Church and the State.
In 1969, the colour of the school tie was deep blue. Later, its colour is changed. Now the black tie is for regular students and red one is for prefects.