Facade of the Main Building

Location: Two Front Gates


The Name Plates of Chan Sui Ki

Location: Ground floor, between two front gates


Bronze Bust of Chan Sui Ki

Location: Lift Lobby, Ground Floor


Foundation plaque/stone

Location: Lift Lobby, Ground Floor

Old Boys' Foundation Donation Plaque at hall

Location: School Hall


English Learning Center (Room 101)

Location: 1st floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

Geography Room (地理室)(Room 114)

Location: 1st floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

Our Geography Room is a watered down special room for many classes to hold occasional lessons. The original size was already an undersized and substandard 36-foot by 24-foot enlarged classroom by the Education Bureau recommendation. In 1995, a 12-foot by 24-foot back section was sliced off to accommodate computer facilities for school administration. The surviving portion was our standard 24-foot by 24-foot Form 7B homeroom. This corner is one of the few treasure troves of the subject department, steel map cabinets housing maps for examination and teaching purposes, and an upright steel cabinet with weather instruments, surveying instruments, a notebook computer and a printer neatly stashed inside. This unassuming appearance is quite misleading to all casual observers. This is our vital armoury to keep our students logged on to the most interesting aspects of geographical activities, whether physically active in fieldwork or mentally engaged in virtual reality.

1st floor Medical Room (醫療室)

Location: 1st floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

Before 2006

This yellow door is not the exit of the Medical Room. It is the entrance of the Social Worker's Office which was built inside the Medical Room in 2001. A split type air conditioner was installed in the Medical Room to improve its ventilation.

Actually, the Medical Room is a multi-purpose room. It serves as the staff common room, the staff pantry and also a place for storing the students' exercise books and projects.

It is also as a medical room during lunch break. The bench is reserved for our Red Cross Youth Unit from 12:20 pm to 1:00 pm to provide First Aid service to our schoolmates. The Unit also helps to maintain the First Aid cabinet.

1st floor SAMS Room (行政電腦室)(Room 126)

Location: 1st floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

Grand Piano on the stage of the School Hall

Location: 1 st floor, Chan Sui Ki ( La Salle ) College

It has been stayed in the school hall for more than 30 years.

20-foot across roll-down screen on the stage of the School Hall

Location: 1st floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

Air-conditioning of the School Hall (including the cooling towers outside)

Location: 1st floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

The installation of the air-conditioning of the School Hall started in March, 2001 and was completed in April, 2001. From then onwards, the condition for the activities held in the hall especially in summer has improved greatly. Special thanks must go to Mr. Daniel Chi, an old boy who is now an Authorized Person, for giving the school some valuable advice. Thanks must also go to the Parent-Teacher Association for raising fund for the system.

Pencil line drawing of CSK

Location: 1st floor, Principal's Room, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

2nd floor Staff Room (二樓 教員室)(Room 211) and the attached Computer Room

Location: 2nd floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College


This staff room was moved from the fifth floor to the second floor in the academic year 1995-96 so as to accommodate more teachers. At present, this staff room is the working place for thirty teachers, though it is only about 800 square feet in size.
There are shelves for storing teaching materials and exercise books.
The attached Computer Room, which is only 140 square feet in area, provides a place for the teaching staff to set question papers and gain access to the Internet for updated information by using the computers installed there. Sometimes, the room is used for conducting interviews and meetings.

Server Room (伺服器室) attached to the Library

Location: 2nd floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

The server room was established in 1999. There are 3 servers, one of which is the Web Server. The bandwidth of the PCCW broadband is 10Mbps.

School Library (圖書館)(Room 212)

Location: 2nd floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

The library occupies three standard classrooms, providing extra lighting and air-conditioning for reading comfort. The book shelves against the wall are the oldest furniture which were originally panelled with glass. Not shown in the photo, there are extra window seats which are more popular to visitors.


Each time when the bell rings, boys flock into the room from all directions. They come to the Library to look for leisure reading materials, to look up dictionaries or the Internet for information, to collect newspapers subscribed. Also, a lot of forms and documents are available. Some boys come here for services like photocopying and printing.
Whenever you enter this room, you can always find discussions and project-groups in progress.
12,000 books in English or Chinese titles are on shelves of 124m long. This collection supports a circulation over 800 times each month.

CAL Preparation Room (電腦輔助學習預備室)(Room 224)

Location: 2nd floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

Integrated Science Science Laboratory (科學實驗室) (Room 311)

Location: 3rd floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

Integrated Science laboratory is a special classroom for F.1 and F.2 students to do the assigned experiments in every cycle. Students would experience the close relationship between science and their daily lives through doing the interesting implanted, hence, when they study in upper form, they will care the proper usage and safety procedures in handling the apparatus.

Physics Laboratory (物理實驗室) (Room 313)

Location: 3rd floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College


Physics Laboratory is one of the four laboratories in school. It is equipped with a lot of sophisticated Physics apparatus. Demonstrations and experiments are done in the laboratory to arouse the students' interest in studying and to consolidate their understanding of the theories learnt.
Recently, the AL Physics Practical Exam has been replaced by the Teacher Assessment Scheme. Students' practical skills and reports are assessed during the practical lessons.

3rd floor Staff Room (三樓 教員室) (Room 321)

Location: 3rd floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College


Computer Room (Room 401)

Location: 4th floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

The computer room 401 was established in 1993. There are 24 computers for students and 1 computer for teacher. Other equipment includes, inkjet printer, laser printer and slide projector. All computers are networked.

Chemistry Laboratory (化學實驗室)(Room 411)

Location: 4th floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

This is a special designed room equipped with different kinds of facilities, equipment, apparatus and materials for teaching Chemistry. In the Chemistry Laboratory, students may either perform experiments by themselves or watch demonstrations conducted by their teachers during the practical lessons.
It has been operating since the opening of the school. In order to fulfill the increasing safety demands and to keep the laboratory in good condition, improvement projects and repairing works were done from time to time. In mid 80s, were electric sockets added in each bench. In early 90s, the more safe fibre type bench tops were used to replace all the asbestos lining bench tops and new gas pipe system replaced the old damage one. Besides, the fume cupboards had some major repairing. New exhaust fans were installed and new exhaust ducts were built from the fume cupboards extended upward to the roof of the school building. In mid 90s, catchpot recovery traps replaced the open type dilution tanks to improve the drainage system. In 2001, air conditioners and multi-media projector were installed.


From June 2002 to August 2002, the Chemistry Laboratory had undergone a major renovation. All the facilities and fixtures were dismantled. A newly designed laboratory up to 2000 standard was constructed again.

Now, the Chemistry Laboratory has two efficient fume cupboards, an eye wash station, one teacher bench and six student benches with electricity, water and gas supply. There are enough concrete cupboards and wooden cupboards providing sufficient storage space as well.

Biology Laboratory (生物實驗室)(Room 413)

Location: 4th floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

The biology laboratory has been put into use since 1970, several months after the opening of Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College. While all the other laboratories have been renewed and transformed recently, the biology laboratory remains almost unchanged for thirty three years because the government cuts budget and thus stops the renewal of the biology laboratory.
Accompanying our old laboratory are the thirty-four-year old microscopes, most of which have moulds growing on lenses. However, we are glad to have a projector and screen installed for I.T. purposes. Many more models and specimens are put inside the glass cabinets, and many more new instruments are added for experiments and field work.

Staff Common Room (教員休息室)(Room 423)

Location: 4th floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

Language Room (語言學習室)(Room 424)


Art Room (美術室) (Room 512)


Lecture Room (演講室) (Room 513)

Location: 5th floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College


Its capacity is about 60. It is an air-conditioned room for split class lessons, meetings of clubs, societies and even the teaching staff.

Music Room (音樂室) (Room 522)

Location: 5th floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College



The music room was moved to this location in 1995. A desktop computer with DVD Rom, stereo speakers and LCD projector was installed in 2000. It makes the music room become a small theatre. The use of IT in teaching makes the music lesson more interesting.

Chapel (聖堂) (Room 621)

Location: 6th floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College


Lasallian Brothers' Quarters(修士宿舍)

Location: St. Benildus Community


Corridor outside individual chambers


Common Room (Focus on old hanging pictures, photographs and documents)


Mess Hall (interiors as well as window vista)

Chapel of St Benildus Community

Location: St. Benildus Community Chapel




Altar with Crucifix


Statutes of Sacred Heart of Jesus, Immaculate Mary, and Mary of Fatima


Vestry collection (copes)

Supportive Educaiton Room (輔助教室)(Room 721 and Room 722)

Location: 7th floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College


Student Activity Centre (學生活動中心) (Room 821)

Location: 8th floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

Media Production Centre (媒體製作中心) (Room 921A)


Publication Production Centre (刊物出版中心) (Room 921B)


Location: 9th floor, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College

School Song

It was composed by the music teacher. Dr Li Chau-yuan, in 1976. The lyric was set by the Principal, Brother Eugene.

Old School Song

It is an Irish cheering song originally. We still sing this song in the Inter-school Athletics Meet every year.

School Badge

The Lamp, a symbol of the light of knowledge
The Cross, a symbol of the Chritian Charity and Love that should permeate and motivate all our actions
The Oak Branch, has been alluded to Peace
The Chevrons, they indicate rank and length of service, symbolised the long and faithfull service which the members of the La Salle family had rendered to both Church and State
The Legen, which means "Praise be to God always"
Our badge today has not differentiated between the Olive Branch and the Oak Branch, this possibly for reasons of simplicity

School Magazine

The first volume of our school magazine was published in 1970 with Bro Eugene as the adviser of the English Section. The magazine consisted of about one hundred pages and the cover was designed by a F6B student called Lai Pui-lun. The chevrons symbolize the long and faithful service rendered by members of the Lasallian Family to the Church and the State while the lamps serve as a symbol of the light of knowledge.

School Newspaper

Our school newspaper is named 'Leowlish' and was first published in the early 70's by a group of Form 4 and Form 6 students with the guidance and help from Teacher Advisers. Bro Eugene approved the use of the name 'Leowlish' which means 'as brave as a lion.' The newspaper was published twice per annum and sold at a low price to students

The First Staff Photo

Year 1969-1970

The First Batch of Form VII graduates and their teachers

Year 1969-1970

School Tie

All Students must wear a school tie.
Three Chevrons are sewn with golden threads on it. The Chevrons symbolize the long and faithful service which the members of the La Salle family had rendered to the Church and the State.
In 1969, the colour of the school tie was deep blue. Later, its colour is changed. Now the black tie is for regular students and red one is for prefects.

Address: Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College, 4 Sheung Wo Street Homantin Kowloon
Tel: 2711 8175
Fax: 2762 1550
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