STEM Department - Prize Giving

2024-05-22 (Wednesday)
Category : Activities

A prize-giving ceremony for the Fun Science Competition 2024 and the 18th Secondary School Infrastructure Model Competition was held on 22nd May to recognize the remarkable performances of our students.

Fun Science Competition 2024 (3rd Class Award with a prize of $500)

2D Chu Hing To
2D Li Yi Lok

18th Secondary School Infrastructure Model Competition (Champion of Best Design Award with a prize of $3000)

4D Chan Ho Yin
4D Ip Shue Kai
4D Chan Haolan
4D Yiu Shun Hoi

Address: Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College, 4 Sheung Wo Street Homantin Kowloon
Tel: 2711 8175
Fax: 2762 1550
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