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《Sleepy Hollow》Mr. Taylor - Jun 2021

Sleepy Hollow is written by one of the very first American writers. His name was Washington Irvine. The book that I'm reading is a collection of short stories by him. I want to tell you about one specific story in particular: “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”. Why do I like it so much? It's a little bit scary. Just look at the front cover. our book sharing video


《小板凳》由香港著名女作家胡燕青所創作,書中共有幾十篇散文,將作者的記憶以一個個片段的方式來呈現於讀者的面前。這本書的內容都是環繞我們日常生活的事,而且每當任何一個人包括小孩、年青人、中年人甚至老年人看過這本書後也必定能夠引發他們的共鳴。 our book sharing video

《Pride and Prejudice》Samuel Kwok(S5)Jun 2021

Jane Austen的《Pride and Prejudice》。中文翻譯為《傲慢與偏見》,出版以來被改編為不少電影和劇集,原著《傲慢與偏見》出版於1813年。小說主要講述了鄉紳之女伊麗莎白·班奈特和富有的達西先生的愛情故事,反映了19世紀英國鄉紳階層的禮節、成長、教育、道德、婚姻的情態。 our book sharing video


也斯在這本書中,透過描述日常生活中我們未必能夠注意的細節,表現出歸爲國際大都會的香港的獨特之處。在也斯心中,即使平凡如一棵樹,一幢大廈,都有著獨特的意義,因爲它們都蘊含著無數的回憶、歷史,甚至是一段感人的故事。 our book sharing video

《Journey to the Centre of the Earth》Jason Yip(S4)May 2021

Jules Verne的《Journey to the Centre of the Earth》,故事講述脾氣古怪的地質礦物學家李登博克教授意外從冰島古籍中發現神秘訊息,而且訊息的內容直指上千公里的地底下!雖然侄子阿克塞爾不斷勸阻,最後依然一邊碎碎念一邊認命地和他踏上旅程,再加上出身冰島的嚮導漢斯沉著冷靜的陪伴下,他們開始了一連串探索地心的冒險旅行。 our book sharing video


魯迅透過一個「狂人」的日記,揭露中國傳統社會裏的家族制度和禮教的毒害,指出中國歷史每頁都寫着「仁義道德」,但字縫裏卻都寫着「喫人」兩個字。最後,日記說:「沒有喫過人的孩子,或者還有?」因而喊出「救救孩子」的口號。 our book sharing video

《Romeo and Juliet》Joe Chan(S3)May 2021

“Romeo and Juliet”is a masterpiece which was written by the famous British writer William Shakespeare. This book is published by The Commercial Press and is one of the Black Cat series. Just look at the cover and you can know that this is a our book sharing video


在薯伯伯的《北韓迷宮》中,作者薯伯伯親身到訪北韓,記錄第一手遊記,拍下大量北韓的實況照片,亦為這本著作閱讀了大量北韓書籍及資料,助讀者更了解北韓的人與事。全書分了 14 章,每一個章節,都是以他曾經到過的每一處景點中,所看到的人和事,並且那些片段令他思考到的問題,一一都紀錄下來。 our book sharing video

《The Twits》William Xiao(S2)May 2021

 “The Twits” is written by the famous English writer Roald Dahl.

Mr Twit has a great beard and is extremely dirty. Mrs Twit has a wicked heart and an ugly face. This couple is ugly from the inside out. They fight each other and relentlessly bully animals and children. However, they make the mistake of annoying a group of little monkeys. our book sharing video


《雪山飛狐》是金庸所創作的武俠小説,故事發生於清朝乾隆四十五年三月十二日。這本書最大的特點就是,主綫劇情全部於同一天内發生,支綫劇情則以插敘和倒敘形式呈現。 our book sharing video

《Charlie and the Chocolate Factory》Nicholas Cheung(S2)May 2021

“Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”was published in 1964 and written by the British author Roald Dahl. What is this book talking about? The main character Charlie Bucket is an eleven year-old boy. He is very young and very poor. He lives in a house with his parents and four our book sharing video


相信同學們都有接觸過K-pop,甚至可能是某個女團/男團的忠實粉絲,又或者曾經迷戀過《太陽的後裔》/《來自星星的你》等等的韓劇。然而,韓流文化背後,其實有鮮為人知的種種黑暗面,同學們又有否聽説過呢? our book sharing video

《泰晤士河畔》 戴振朗 (S3) 2019年11月


泰晤士河畔這一本書是作家陶傑所寫,也是陶傑在英國留學時的所見所聞和所感。書中令我最為印象深刻的後半部份講到有關英國倫敦監獄情況及人權狀況。而當中我最想分享的是,作者曾提及英國倫敦警察的執法。倫敦的警察廳成立於1829, 當地警員一直秉承「執法基於人民的支持」、「執法為民」的原則 。這意味著警察的使命就是服務市民,警察與普通市民之間的區別僅僅是一身警服,約束警察的實際上是市民對警察執法透明度、和廉正的滿意度。而英國倫敦警察平時巡邏更是不會戴配槍。陶傑曾在書中比較歐洲各國的警察形象,而在他眼中,英國警察好像紳士,總是待人以禮,儘管騎着馬在街上巡邏的警察,也面露笑,給人親切的感覺,所以贏得市民對他們的尊敬和支持。大概是他們竭力堅守「以民為本」的精神,以公平、公正的態度處理案件,服務民眾,最終贏得人民的信任及尊重。  ... go to e-Class to read more

《Time Travelling with a Hamster》 Ambrose Liew & Nick Lin (S1) Nov 2019


The main character of the book is Albert. In this book, he has an exciting adventure. One day, his dad was very sick and died because a piece of metal stuck in his brain. As a young man, Albert’s dad was playing with his go-kart on a slope when he hit a brick, fell off his go-kart, broke his teeth and had a metal splinter up his nose. The metal splinter gave him headaches and killed him many years later. So, in this adventure, Albert decides to time travel (in a machine his father invented) back to the past, with his pet hamster that he loves, to stop his dad from dying. Finally, he succeeds in stopping his dad from dying  ... go to e-Class to read more

《Haunted Island》 Michael Cheng & Nicholas Cheung (S1) Oct 2019


In this book, the main character, Chris, has an exciting adventure. The story is about a haunted island, which is located across the wide stretch of the Mississippi River, a small, wooden island near the middle of the river. 

Chris and Amy, Chris’s sister, meet Mr. Corley. He is an elderly man who lives in deep shadow where the moonlight cannot reach. He shares detailed information about Haunted Island such as Joshua Hanover, who no one wants to have any communication with ... go to e-Class to read more

《身為職業小說家》 梁永業 (S5) 2019年10月


這本書的第六回「和時間為友—寫長篇小說」中,寫村上春樹他十分喜歡寫小說,尤其是長篇小說。但是他不會自己的作品定下截稿時間, 他會先仔培養心情,在尋找靈感,然後開始專心寫作。無論中下多少的時間,他都不會介意,只想專注地完成一部好作品。  ... go to e-Class to read more

《也斯的香港》 梁承烜 (S3) 2019年5月



其中有一篇散文〈97張面孔〉,記述了也斯去看一個人物的攝影展覽,從一位素未謀面的攝影師作品之中,認識到攝影師的性格。也斯在文中說一句:「其他人的肖像往往亦都是我們自己的自畫像」。在我們眼中,同別人生活是一件平凡不過的事,  ... go to e-Class to read more

《憑一張地圖》 林駿暉 (S5) 2019年4月



  書中令我印象最深刻的兩篇文章分別是〈樵夫的爛柯〉和〈假如我有九條命〉。先談談〈樵夫的爛柯〉這篇文章,一直以來人們總說「時間就是金錢」,這句話受世人推崇,但余光中先生在文中卻推翻了這一說法,說明了時間並不是金錢可以衡量的。  ... go to e-Class to read more

《寫在人生邊上》 李澤頎 (S5) 2019年3月



書中有一篇叫《論快樂》。錢鍾書對快樂看得很透徹,令我明白快樂的本質。他說「永遠快樂這句話就好像四方的圓形,如靜止的動作一樣相互矛盾。」  ... go to e-Class to read more

《魯迅選集》 張宏信 (S5) 2019年2月




在《阿Q正傳》裏,魯迅跟我們揭示了國人有「精神勝利法」。  ... go to e-Class to read more

《聊齋誌異選評》 吳宇坤 (S4) 2018年10月



    聊齋誌異由清朝文學家蒲松齡所編寫的。聊齋這本書約有四百多篇短篇小說,當中有諷刺貪污,描寫窮苦書生,鬼、妖、仙等之間的愛情故事。這些古靈精怪的故事都代表了作者對當時社會情況的不滿或對愛情的嚮往...     ... go to e-Class to read more

《Across the Barricades》 Zenith Choy (S3) Mar 2019


“Across the Barricades” is unlike most teenage fiction novels. Of course, we see the usual themes of young love, but the setting and issues dealt within the book are what make this book different.

    Set in the 1970s in Belfast, the book explores the ties between a Protestant girl, Sadie Jackson and Kevin McCoy, a Catholic. Northern Ireland had been politically sensitive....  ... go to e-Class to read more

《跑對方向,比跑的速度更重要》 范承謙 (S5) 2018年5月



 但我今日同大家分享的書卻不是一般的圖書,而是可以讓我們從另外一個角度來看人生,對自己的人生有另外一個看法。正值求學階段的我們,當然未需要為錢或生活小節而煩惱、擔憂,但是我們是否就今天無憂無慮的日而虛度光陰,而不為自己將來未雨綢繆,好好裝備自己呢?...  ... go to e-Class to read more

《Geronimo Stilton》 Mr A Beynon Feb 2018


Geronimo Stilton is an Italian children's book series published by Edizioni Piemme of Milan, Italy, since 2000. Scholastic Corporation has published the English version of the series since February 2004. Although the series credits its title character as the author, the idea was originally thought of by Elisabetta Dami. On older novels, the copyright is issued to a pseudonym*(/sue dun im/) "Geronimo Stilton"; this was changed on newer books. The books are intended for readers in the 6–12-year-old age range. The series has sold over 130 million copies worldwide, becoming one of the best-selling book series ever written. ... go to e-Class to read more

《Middle School》 Wong Hon Kiu (S3) Mar 2018


The book follows sixth grader Rafe Khatchadorian as he begins middle school and copes with the awkwardness of adolescence: crushes, bullying and family issues.

He invents a way to protest called ‘operation R.A.F.E.’ (Rules are not for Everyone) through which he tries to break every school rule and smash the record for the most disciplinary points any student's ever been given.  ... go to e-Class to read more

《背著因襲的重擔》 陳浩齊 (S2) 2018年2月


作者魯迅的名字,相信大家早已耳熟能詳,但你們又是否知道「魯迅」其實只是他的筆名,他的原名是周樟壽,字豫山,他曾遠赴日本學醫, 後來因為當時人民生活腐敗,於是決定「棄醫從文」,決心意文學喚醒國人。

這本書收錄了魯迅在1918至35年發表於各類報刊的文章,主要環繞近百年前的歷史環境,事件和人物而論,表達出魯迅對當時很多事的獨特見解和想法。  ... go to e-Class to read more

《棋王》 吳彥鋒 (S4) 2017年12月




程凌卻發現神童原來不懂下象棋,因此神童對電視節目將會與象棋高手比賽感到很大的困難。程凌於是教他下象棋,一起商量棋路,並於當日用上。到比賽當天, ... go to e-Class to read more

《A Tale of Two Cities 》 Lim Phoenix (S5) Dec 2017


The novel with one of the most famous opening lines in the history of fiction. “A Tale of Two Cities” is set in Paris and London of the 1780-s and 1790-s. Dr. Manette had been locked in the Bastille for eighteen years without trial. 

 His daughter Lucie grew up in London, thinking that she was an orphan. But her life changed when her father was released from prison.    ... go to e-Class to read more

《跨越生死的愛》 張中寶 (S1) 2017年11月



第一幕就是女主角的媽媽為救女主角而被海水沖走,這證明了母愛是多麼偉大,母親為了救女兒不惜犧牲自己寶貴的生命,寧願自己被沖走,也要抱女兒上石岸,死前還叮囑女兒對丈夫說︰「我愛你。」這證明了愛是無界限的,不論生死,也沒有任何東西能取代。    ... go to e-Class to read more

《媽媽不要哭》 郭皓朗 (S1) 2017年11月



每個媽媽心底裏都有一句類似的心底話:「孩子,怎樣才能令你再愛你的媽媽?」    ... go to e-Class to read more

《Who was Roald Dalh? 》 Sajid Naveed (S1) Nov 2017


This book, ‘Who was Roald Dahl?’ was written by True Kelley. It is a magnificent book, all about the peculiar life of Roald Dahl. We all know him as the famous children's book author. But what if I told you he was much more than just that? He was a heroic pilot in World War II and a strong man that went through so much. 

 This is an enjoyable book and a quick read filled with so much information. My favorite part of the book is when you learn that Dahl did some of his writing in a little hut. He had weird things in his hut,   ... go to e-Class to read more

《借我一生》 周軒鋮 (S4) 2017年10月



在這些事未發生前,作者在一個美好的家庭中長大,有個悉心照顧自己的祖母;寫得一手好毛筆字的外公;喜歡文學故事的叔叔和一個給予作者自由、勇氣和知識的媽媽。    ... go to e-Class to read more

《地圖之外》 馬慶樺 (S4) 2017年4月


它是一本關於地理和地圖的書,但有什麼地方是在地圖之外呢?在現今科技發達的社會,還會有多少漏網之魚呢? 這本書收錄了47個地圖上沒有標示的地方,並分為八種類別,例如 "死城”、 “無主之地” 等, 

每個地方的背後都有一個充滿歷史的故事,例如一九八六年的切爾諾貝爾核災難,令附近的普里皮亞特飽受核輻射吹殘,變了一個空城,而這個地方現在已變了一個被大自然佔領的綠色城市,還有大量野生動物居住,可謂一個有自然衍生出來的迷你郊野公園。人類因輻射而不能進入該區,對自然生態來說可能是塞翁失馬焉知非福呢?    ... go to e-Class to read more

《自願被吃的豬》 林樂軒 (S5) 2017年3月



有人說過:「凡能引發思考的書,便是好書。」誠然,要在閱讀之中有最大得著,離不開思考。思考可以隨時隨地進行,沒有思考則沒有結論。    ... go to e-Class to read more

《政府正在監控你》 侯卓謙 (S5) 2017年2月



 《政府正在監控你》作者是當年協助斯諾登揭露稜鏡計畫的記者格倫.格林華德,當中記錄了稜鏡計劃的部分內容以及他們籌劃揭密行動的過程。    ... go to e-Class to read more

《Rich Dad Poor Dad 》 Ethan Lau (S5) Feb 2017


This book shares the financial experience of its author --- Robert. T Kiyosaki. He shares his experience of having two ‘dads’, with different financial backgrounds. His own father, the poor dad, is the typical ‘safety first’ ‘high achiever in class’ who works for the government but fails to maintain his family’s financial stability.

The writer also gives financial advice for teens and teaches them how to make the best out of their money.   ... go to e-Class to read more

《星雲組曲》 任浩勤 (S6) 2016年11月



我特別有回響的是「玩偶之家」。內容講述未來的世界內,機械人反控人類,把人類當作寵物把玩。     ... go to e-Class to read more

《Fantastic Mr Fox 》 Choy Shing Hang & Oscar Tai (S1) Nov 2016


Fantastic Mr. Fox is a children's novel written by British author Roald Dahl, and published in 1970. The story is about Mr Fox and how he outwits his farmer neighbors to steal their food from right under their noses.

The story revolves around a tricky, clever fox called Mr Fox who lives underground beside a tree with his wife and four children. In order to feed his family, he makes nightly visits to farms owned by three wicked, cruel and dim-witted farmers named Boggis.    ... go to e-Class to read more

《窮人》 李政逸 (S6) 2016年10月


作者 威廉•福爾曼 到全世界多個國家,向不同國家的窮人問:「你為什麼窮?」這個既簡單又深入的問題,一方面希望對貧窮這個社會問題有更深認識,一方面希望得到大家關注窮人問題。

香港的貧窮問題只是冰山一角,世界上有人每天工作十多小時,月薪只有一美元。    ... go to e-Class to read more

《不受傷,跑到100歲》 梁偉傑 (S5) 2016年6月



第一,我們對跑步沒有任何期盼。若我們有期望的話,我們便會勇於嘗試找不同方法令自己進步。例如正確與舒適的跑步姿勢丶良好的飲食習慣等。      ... go to e-Class to read more

村上春樹《關於跑步我說的其實是》 錢明琛 (S5) 2016年5月


每當村上被人批評的時候,他便會跑步並定立比平常更艱辛的目標,目的是要挑戰自己,當然村上的挑戰並不是每次都成功。 當他失敗的時候便會三省吾身,探討為何自己會失敗,尋求解決方法。

我推介這本書有想過中途放棄的人,我想當你讀完這本書後能找到一點新的力量。正如村上指出,無論甚麼事,只要是自己喜歡的事,便會以自己的方式一直做下去。   ... go to e-Class to read more

《人生沒有藉口》 許嘉晉 (S5) 2016年5月



 哈林山德士年幼的時候因爲家境不好而被逼綴學,出外到處工作。他憑著自己的努力積鑚了不少金錢,在四十歲時開了一間餐廳,經營得相當不錯,還曾受當地州長的極力推薦。可惜,一場無情的大火令他失去了餐廳。後來      ... go to e-Class to read more

《The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 》 Jason Chan (S5) Apr 2016


A violent madman emerges at night to commit the most cold-hearted of crimes. Nothing is known of him except his name: Mr Hyde.

Just who is this evil man? A lawyer and a doctor begin their own investigation and are shocked to find that Mr Hyde is an acquaintance of their respectable friend Dr Henry Jekyll. Worse still, Dr Jekyll is unwilling to listen to stories of Hyde's chilling behaviour.      ... go to e-Class to read more

《靜靜的頓河》 李銘梓 (S5) 2016年2月


英國皇家海軍有這句格言:「如果你想和平,就要準備戰爭。  《靜靜的頓河》是前蘇聯著名作家肖洛霍夫的小說,是1965年諾貝爾文學獎的得獎作品。這本書展示了1912到1922年間,俄羅斯頓河地區的哥薩克人在第一次世界大戰以及俄國內戰中飽受戰苦的苦難歷程。哥薩克是一群生活在東歐大草原的遊牧民系,他們驍勇善戰,有著精湛的騎術           ... go to e-Class to read more

《The Problem of Cell 13》 Dominic Chow (S2) Jan 2016

This short story focuses on Augustus S. F. X. Van Dusen (a.k.a. "The Thinking Machine"), who bets his friends that he is able to escape from any prison cell. The plot follows his exploits as he is taken up on his bet.          ... go to e-Class to read more

《快樂就是正能量》 Hafeez Saaleh (S6) 2015年12月


「選擇」與「快樂」是互相緊扣在一起的。很多人畢生也不快樂,只因他們認為任何事情都是天意安排,身不由己,他們的選擇是「認命」。害怕冒險的人,總是在逃避而不去選擇,這等同將選擇權交予別人,試問又怎能讓自己快樂呢?          ... go to e-Class to read more

《人類低等生物》 孫錦汶 (S6) 2015年12月


這本書的作者是香港小說作家—孤泣 。故事講述主角在二百年後的世界,人類變成最低等的生物,人類文化倒退,每一日都會被高等生物飼養,人類飽受飢荒的生活,過著不分晝夜,為了生存絞盡腦汁的生活,為了去改變自己的命運。          ... go to e-Class to read more

《創意都是「練」出來的》 李庭欣老師 2015年11月


          Go to e-Class to read more

《The Witches》 by Roald Dahl Max Chan & Joshua Gonzales (S2) Nov 2015


This is not a fairy-tale. This is about real witches. Real witches don't ride around on broomsticks. They don't even wear black cloaks and hats. They are vile, cunning, detestable creatures who disguise themselves as nice, ordinary ladies. So how can you tell when you're face to face with one? Well, if you don't know yet you'd better find out quickly, because there's nothing a witch loathes quite as much as children    ... go to e-Class to read more

《五體不滿足》 梁焯翹 (S5) 2015年10月


乙武洋匡一出生就失去手腳,他的父母面對此事卻未有震驚、失望和傷心,他的母親更加在第一次見到兒子時說了句:「很可愛」。作者一直在這個充滿支持的環境中長大。書的前部分,就是作者的父母在他還是嬰兒時的經歷。隨著乙武洋匡長大,他面對的問題就愈來愈多...... 然而他都把困難一一跨過,其中他在中學期間就參加了籃球學會,還創造了獨有的射籃方法 ... go to e-Class to read more

白先勇《寂寞的17歲》 麥嘉棟 (S5) 2015年5月


書中的主角是個學業成績較差的中學生,不被同學們重視,就連父母和弟弟都鄙視他。可憐的他在學校沒有一位能夠傾訴心事的知心朋友,惟有在家中寫信給自己,製造電話與自己談天。他的行為反映出他對友情的渴望,渴望找尋一位深交的機會。但這些行為卻遭到別人的冷眼,令他又再受到他人的抨擊,抨擊他愚昧的行為          ... go to e-Class to read more

《Zen And The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: An Inquiry Into Values》Mr A Beynon 2015 May


There are many lessons within Zen that can be learned. The essence is this; climb this mountain, do not expect it to change or move you, but pay attention to the smell of the air and the colour of the leaves as you move up the slopes. That itself is one of the lessons of Zen.   ... go to e-Class to read more

余秋雨《新文化苦旅》 利家豪 (S5) 2015年4月


反觀現今,在資訊爆炸的社會裡,我們可能不知不覺地也成為了那些學者,一樣盲目地相信網上的訊息。此文章便是要提醒我們應該擁有追求真相的好奇心,建立批判的獨立思考。不同報章網站有各自不同的立場,鮮能都完全地報真導實,故不能盡信其中的大是大非。正如猜測黃帝炎帝是否存在一樣,我們決不能只盲目相信某些報導或網上流傳的資訊。         ... go to e-Class to read more

《The Five People You Meet in Heaven》 Ms Koo Apr 2015


This book is about a maintenance man named Eddie. He works in an amusement park called Ruby Pier. He is a cripple due to an injury in World War II. When the story starts, Eddie dies because he wants to save a girl from a falling malfunctioned ride. After his death, he meets five people in heaven. These five people are those who have made great impact in his life, or he has done so to theirs.           ... go to e-Class to read more

《語文大師如是說─中和西》 鄧惠倩老師 2015年4月


如果你覺得以上的一段說話完全沒有問題,或者覺得似曾相識,好像自己也寫過類似的句子,或者隱約覺得有點不對勁,但又說不出是甚麼問題,甚至你已經深知自己也有這樣的毛病,只是苦惱沒有解決辦法,那麼你可以看一看,翻一翻這本書            ... go to e-Class to read more

《Danny the Champion of the World》 Hu Long Hei, Ha Tim Summer (S3) Feb 2015


They live in an old gypsy caravan at the filling station that his father owns. His father is a mechanic who teaches Danny everything that he knows. His father has a dark secret, however. He poaches pheasants from the mean rich man, Mr.Hazel.    One night, Danny’s father did not return from a poaching expedition, so Danny drove a car to go look for him. He found his father trapped in a pit meant for catching poachers. He then rescued his father using a rope.         ... go to e-Class to read more 

《乞丐囝仔》 陳正國 (S3) 2015年1月


阿進的故事,名副其實是個「傳奇」,令我十分感動。一個只有五、六歲大的小伙子,便要肩負起照顧一家十四口溫飽的責任。可是他卻沒有選擇怨天尤人、自暴自棄,而是刻苦的力求上進。這令我反思到時下的中學生的生活實在無憂無慮,相當幸福。我們不用養家,反過來是父母傾盡金錢在我們身上,讓我們吃好的,用好的,他們情願自己用得少一點。        ... go to e-Class to read more

韓寒《青春》 林天恩 (S5) 2014年11月



這篇散文是韓寒針對幼稚園暴力事件的評論,發表後不久即遭屏蔽,裏面明示案發當地的弱勢社群得不到保護,暗示當地政府的無能。幼稚園的學童是受害者,而韓寒寫「孩子們掃了爺爺的興」當中的孩子是指幼稚園的遇害學童,而爺爺比喻當地政府,寫孩子掃興就好像他們做錯了事,但他們明明是受害者,這樣寫加重對當地政府的諷刺味道,亦顯示了韓寒文筆的震撼力 ... go to e-Class to read more

《The Invisible Man》 Ethan Lau (S3) Nov 2014


A mysterious man, Griffin, arrives at the local inn of an English village during a snowstorm. The stranger wears a long-sleeved, thick coat and gloves, his face hidden entirely by bandages except for a fake pink nose, and a wide-brimmed hat. He is very unfriendly. He demands to be left alone and spends most of his time in his rooms working with a set of chemicals and laboratory apparatus, only going out at night. While staying at the inn, hundreds of scientific equipment arrives with his luggage. He becomes the talk of the village.          ... go to e-Class to read more

《實用倫理學》 李翎鋒老師 2014年12月


在第一部分道德思考,作者介紹道德概念,邏輯論證和道德判斷的區別,能幫助讀者思考得更清晰,避免作出一些錯誤的判斷。在第二部分,作者詳盡介紹了四個道德理論,包括功利主義、康德理論學、自由主義及儒家思想。作者用一些簡單例子去解釋這些理論,並附有圖畫解說,也包括各道德理論的優點、缺點和互相之間的衝突,令讀者更容易明白和吸收。 ... go to e-Class to read more

《一路追隨去拉薩》 Ms SF Lee 2014年10月


2012年5月,一位年輕人決定騎單車走川藏線,由中國的四川成都騎單車 到西藏拉薩,作為他給自己的大學畢業禮物。他在網上找到志同道合的人 一起出發,在旅程開始不久的路上,又遇到其他幾個人,於是便結伴一起 騎川藏線...

然而,這次旅程最令人難忘的,就是他們的隊伍中有一位特別成員,這成員在旅程的第六天加入,但是牠沒有騎單車,卻是一路跟著車隊跑。   牠,是一隻流浪狗。        ... go to e-Class to read more

《Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?》 Cheng Ka Lok, Shum Tak Leong (S5) Apr 2014


The biggest difference between a human and an android (which looks like, acts like, and thinks like a human) is empathy. Empathy is the ability to put yourself into someone else’s shoes; to feel their pain. Deckard uses a test that measures the level of empathy exhibited by the subject based on a series of questions. He kills those that fail to pass it. He has no problem killing androids. They are only machines after all. No problem until one day he falls for a woman who he suspects is an android.            ... go to e-Class to read more

《給自己10 樣人生禮物》 林淳康老師 2014年3月


這本書《給自己10 樣人生禮物》正好在旅程上給我很多正面的鼓勵,作者褚士瑩是一位擁有十多年營運國際非營利組織經驗的策劃人,一位長年旅居外地的志願團體工作者。在書中作者以旅人及於不同地方的生活經驗歸納出人生中可以給自己做的10 樣事情,令他成為一個勇敢、仁慈的人。第一樣禮物︰為自己出發,        ... go to e-Class to read more

《Pride and Prejudice》 Christopher Leung Yi Hang (S2) Mar 2014


Pride and Prejudice is a book written by Jane Austen, published in 1813. Though the story is set a long time ago, this wonderful piece of literature still retains its fascination for modern readers. The story is about a young woman named Elizabeth Bennet who follows the civilized world of manners           ... go to e-Class to read more

《Warriors》 Mercury Hui (S2) Dec 2013


I like reading a wide variety of books and I like reading fiction the most. Here I want to share my favourite book with you. Its name is Warriors. There are a total of 30 books in the series. The beginning of this book is about a cat whose name is Rusty             ... go to e-Class to read more

《 I am Malala》 Mr Lee, Prinicipal Jan 2014


Malala Yousafzai - the girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban in October, 2012.Miraculously Malala survived the gunshot to the head. Malala grew up in Mingora, a beautiful city in Pakistan which was once a major tourist destination and was described as the ‘Switzerland’ of Pakistan. However, with the rise of Taliban in the area, people suffered from the clashes between the Taliban and the Pakistani government         ... go to e-Class to read more

《射雕英雄傳》 侯爵丞 (S3) 2013年11月



射鵰英雄傳帶有很強烈的民族意識。故事的背景是南宋初年, 靖康之禍後,整篇故事瀰漫著一股仇「金」情懷,郭破天和義兄弟楊鐵心分別生了兒子,名叫郭靖楊康 ... go to e-Class to read more

《白髮魔女傳》 簡朗喬 (S5) 2013年11月


相信談起武俠小說,大家最熟悉的必定是金庸。但有多少人知道,梁羽生才是新式武俠 小說的始創人? 或許很多人也認為梁羽生的武俠小說情節較金庸的單調,人物也較為分散,但大多數人 也忽略了它在平淡中飄溢出來的獨特韻味。梁羽生一生創作了不少代表作,而我想向大家推介的,就是梁羽生最引以自豪的作品「白髮魔女傳」。          ... go to e-Class to read more

《愛共行》 謝綺玲老師 2013年10月


誰都曾經病倒過,小則傷風感冒,大則扭傷手腳,須入院動手術。儘管困在家中,甚或留院 ,對康復仍是充滿信心和希望。但如果有一天你所患的病是原因不明 你仍有信心走下去嗎?《愛共行》的作者正是要貼身照顧患有病因未明的女兒,女兒雖已十四歲,但仍未能自己飲食、走路、與人溝通、獨立生活。這位偉大的母親,為了照顧女兒不惜放棄自己娛樂和休息的時間,甚至為她辭去自己最喜歡的工作,從早到晚無微不至的照顧著女兒,守候在她的身旁。 ... go to e-Class to read more

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