Life-Wide Learning Day

2024-03-27 (Wednesday)
Category : Activities

To enrich the learning experience of students outside the classroom, our school arranged a Life-wide Learning Day on 27th March 2024. Different experiential activities were organized for different forms.

S.1 to S.3 students participated in experiential activities about ancient Chinese culture and science-technology, as well as a volleyball sharing session by Sun Yue, a famous retired member of the China women's national volleyball team. These activities not only aroused students' appreciation for Chinese culture and technology, but through Sun Yue's sharing, students recognized the importance of perseverance, which is one of the twelve priority values and attitudes in Values Education. Students also enjoyed the volleyball friendly matches between our Volleyball Club members and the visiting team from Hoi Ping Chamber of Commerce Secondary School.

S.4 students took part in the Taster Programme at HKMU LiPACE campus in Kwai Hing where HKMU speakers introduced courses in health care, engineering, and early childhood education. Also, our students engaged in hands-on activities to gain experience in these fields of work and study. The programme provided valuable insights for students to explore their possible future career paths.

S5 students took part in the Chain of Charity Movement program, which entailed visiting various elderly centers to deliver blessings and gifts. They organized different activities to interact with the elderly and, in so doing, they became acquainted with individuals in society who have diverse needs, learned to care for the community, engageed in voluntary work, and served others. Furthermore, through activity planning, they learnt the spirit of teamwork, self-awareness, and personal growth.
Address: Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College, 4 Sheung Wo Street Homantin Kowloon
Tel: 2711 8175
Fax: 2762 1550
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