English Week

2024-04-22 (Monday)
Category : Activities
English Week was welcomed back to CSK last week after 5 years away. The English Department, the English Language Society and the English Ambassadors collaborated with the Language Across the Curriculum (LAC) Committee to run 8 games booths celebrating English, PE, Music, and STEM in the school hall. Throughout English Week, students were able to participate in different sorts of games. To conclude the event on a high note, Friday's activities featured a special guest: Joyful Fruit Day. Teachers distributed healthy pots of fruit to students who were ravenous for intellectual stimulation and refreshing nutrition. The combination of vitamin-boosting snacks and mentally-engaging activities created a memorable and enjoyable experience for all participants. Overall, English Week was a dynamic and immersive event that aimed to promote English language learning in a fun and interactive manner. We look forward to next year's English Week.
Address: Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College, 4 Sheung Wo Street Homantin Kowloon
Tel: 2711 8175
Fax: 2762 1550
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